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Welcome to Rafey Emad & Co

Our professional expertises are directly related to your business, in reality every business is different and requires ​expert financial advice. Our team work and specialist advice congregate your financial needs with cost-effective manner and quality work. We restlessly work to bring improvement in your business and personal wealth. 

What we do

Our integrated services include accountancy, business counseling, financial advice and tax consultancy services to our clients.

How we do

Our unique approach gives us insight and novelty about business and industry knowledge to help our client to excel their businesses.

Our purpose

Our competitive services contribute to bring success to our clients.

The way we do things

Integrity predicates the way we work. Our core values include:

  • Integrity

  • Excellent value of work to our clients

  • Commitment with each other

What unites us

Our responsiveness to clients’ needs bring valuable experience for our people. Our contemporary philosophy, diverse insights help us to deliver an exceptional level of customer service through our expertise and professionalism.

The quality of our service

The persistent quality in our professional work core in firm’s continuing success.​




  • ​Accounts & Assurance services

  • Business start up services

  • Consultancy & systems advice

  • Taxation services

  • Business support services

  • Company secretarial services


February 2014

Employers PAYE news updates from HMRC

March 2014

The Chancellor of Exchequer will give his budget on 19 March 2014 


February 2014

Employment Allowance £2000 will be offset against ER's NIC

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